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24.07.2023 18:40
My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. That I could get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Software Specialist Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Software Specialist Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds. Email: ( or WhatsApp ; +14012195530
24.07.2023 18:39
In regards to some sad experience I had with some online Cryptocurrency company. I was ripped off my investments with some brokers earlier, my first deposits in regards to my investment wasn’t that much and I actually got my returns as was stipulated. I had plans to reinvest and grow my portfolio with them although I was nervous, Climbing to a bigger plan this time I invested a huge amount which came from my savings, it was moving well till it was time for me to get my profits as usual then some mails came in from the broker that I had done stuff to clear with them and I quickly got in touch with the company support desk and they directed me on how to go about things. I held to their instructions and paid all the fees but wasn’t still able to withdraw my funds. the whole scenario looks like a scam to me after which I worked towards getting help else where, I was referred to consult and recovery expert who helped track and retrieve my 5.3 btc, for an agreed fee. I was more than grateful and willing to pay more after the job was done. Thankful I didn’t fall victim and would like to recommend Software Specialist FIRM to anyone seeking for a professional assistance relating to my story. You can reach out to them via email: ( or ) WhatsApp ; +14012195530
Anderson Sharon
24.07.2023 17:03
Have you ever failed miserably at remotely unlocking your spouse's cell phone with a complicated password or passcode? Do you require cybertransparency, ethical hacking, a private investigator, and accountability that will yield results quickly in your romantic life? Look nowhere else. ADRIANCyberghost and his crew of hackers are here to take care of your requirements. It is possible to make copies of your spouse's devices, which enables remote tracking and mobile phone monitoring without having actual physical access to the target device. You can get untraceable, unfettered, and covert access to your partner or lover with mobile phone hacking. Among other things, call history, WhatsApp, Facebook, email, and text messaging contact details; Contact information: Call +1(775)3 7 4-43 44, text +1(4 70)2 53-19 86, or email adriancyberghost@gmail . com. He's the only one who consistently and promptly fulfills his promises...
Anderson Sharon
24.07.2023 17:02
Have you ever failed miserably at remotely unlocking your spouse's cell phone with a complicated password or passcode? Do you require cybertransparency, ethical hacking, a private investigator, and accountability that will yield results quickly in your romantic life? Look nowhere else. ADRIANCyberghost and his crew of hackers are here to take care of your requirements. It is possible to make copies of your spouse's devices, which enables remote tracking and mobile phone monitoring without having actual physical access to the target device. You can get untraceable, unfettered, and covert access to your partner or lover with mobile phone hacking. Among other things, call history, WhatsApp, Facebook, email, and text messaging contact details; Contact information: Call +1(775)3 7 4-43 44, text +1(4 70)2 53-19 86, or email adriancyberghost@gmail . com. He's the only one who consistently and promptly fulfills his promises.
paul derosa
24.07.2023 15:35
paskolos finansavimas Labas rytas, Aš esu ponas PAUL DEROSA Pateikiu paskolos pasiūlymą tarp asmenų, kad galėtumėte be rūpesčių įgyvendinti savo svajones. Rašau savo tekstą tam, kad padėčiau gauti greitą ir rimtą paskolos finansavimą. Taigi, jei jums reikia pinigų skubiai, atsakykite man, kad galėčiau pasakyti savo pasiūlymą. Mano palūkanų norma yra 3% ir ji apima visą paskolą. Mano finansavimo galimybės yra 500 000 000 Mano el. pašto adresas: WhatsApp numeris: +33 779 23 80 34 Geros dienos Jums. Nuoširdžiai
antonio duval
24.07.2023 15:34
paskolos pasiūlymas Sveiki pone ponia Individualiai Šveicarija, Kanada, Belgija, portugalų, italų, prancūzų, Brazilijos ir bet kurioje pasaulio vietoje mes suteikiame jums paskolą nuo 2000 € iki 30.700.000 € labai paprastomis sąlygomis taip pat investicijos ir paskolos tarp asmenų Siūlome trumpalaikes, vidutinės trukmės ir ilgalaikes paskolas. Mes nekreipkite dėmesio į jūsų naudojimą ir mūsų pervedimus teikia bankas sandorio saugumą visiems, galintiems jį kompensuoti 3% palūkanos visi norintys rašykite man. Visiems Jūsų prašymuose buvo pateikti pasiūlymai dėl įkainių ir įmokų mokėjimai ir aš būsiu jūsų paslaugoms. WhatsApp numeris: +33 779 23 80 34 paštas: antonioduval31@gmail. com
antonio duval
24.07.2023 15:34
JŪSŲ FINANSINIS SPRENDIMAS PER 48 VALANDAS Sveiki pone ponia! Ar ieškote pinigų paskolos savo projektui įgyvendinti? Ar jus atmetė jūsų bankai? Ar jums reikia paskolos, kad padengtumėte skolas, apmokėtumėte sąskaitas ar sukurtumėte projektą? Jūsų finansinė trauma baigėsi, Aš esu ANTONIO DUVAL, akcininkas ir finansų operatorius. Mano paskolos pajėgumai yra nuo 10 000 iki 50 000 000 su protinga 2% palūkanų norma, labai paprastomis ir be problemų sąlygomis. Taip pat investuoju ir teikiu paskolas tarp visų rūšių asmenų. Mano kredito pasiūlymai yra trumpalaikiai, vidutiniai ir ilgalaikiai, o mano pervedimai yra apdrausti Banko, kad būtų užtikrintas operacijos saugumas bet kam. Jei susidomėjote, susisiekite su manimi asmeniniu el. pašto adresu: WhatsApp numeris: +33 779 23 80 34
Charce Da Costa
24.07.2023 15:27
You never know who or what is genuine until you test or confirm it. Until I talked about it with my best friend and a coworker who had both used ADRIAN, I was concerned about patronizing a hacker. They claimed he was a top-notch, dependable, and honorable cyber hacker and PI.I required evidence that my wife was an adulterer. He assisted me in remotely hacking her cell phone and getting every piece of information from it, including text messages, deleted messages, emails, call logs, whatsapp messages, bank words, images, phone conversations, everything I overheard, including his sex films. OMG! The apex was only that. Nobody has to experience the pain of having to trust their partner. Simply send him an email at or give him a call or text at (+1 470 253 1986).WhatsApp number: +1753744344.I have no idea how he does it, but he is quite talented. Any hacking services you require. His services are excellent and reasonably priced, and he would deliver quickly. Inform him that I referred you. He owes me that.
Charce Da Costa
24.07.2023 15:26
You never know who or what is genuine until you test or confirm it. Until I talked about it with my best friend and a coworker who had both used ADRIAN, I was concerned about patronizing a hacker. They claimed he was a top-notch, dependable, and honorable cyber hacker and PI.I required evidence that my wife was an adulterer. He assisted me in remotely hacking her cell phone and getting every piece of information from it, including text messages, deleted messages, emails, call logs, whatsapp messages, bank words, images, phone conversations, everything I overheard, including his sex films. OMG! The apex was only that. Nobody has to experience the pain of having to trust their partner. Simply send him an email at or give him a call or text at (+1 470 253 1986).WhatsApp number: +1753744344.I have no idea how he does it, but he is quite talented. Any hacking services you require. His services are excellent and reasonably priced, and he would deliver quickly. Inform him that I referred you. He owes me that.
Cyril Vivian
24.07.2023 14:42
Please visit ( i am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Adoda helped me to fix my relationship. i was heartbroken when my fiancee told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because he was having an affair with the other woman where he work. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Adoda, then i contacted him for help to get my lover back, he helped me cast a powerful (reconciliation love spell) and to my greatest surprise after 48 hours of doing the love spell my Fiancee came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now happily married and all thanks goes to Dr Adoda Wonders for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr Adoda through his email address: or WHATSAPP him on+2348112825421